What started in 2014 as The Everglades Eclectic – a collection of poetry, humor, reflections personal essays, and occasional reporting – has become a sleek, refined journalistic newsmagazine called THEEndeavor. This year marks our 10th anniversary as well as the 100th issue produced of this essential publication. We want you to celebrate with us in person on July 8, 2024, and if not in person, then in spirit.

As incarcerated journalists, we serve our internal community at Everglades Correctional Institution, Florida’s first incentivized prison, we serve every incarcerated man or woman who doesn’t have a voice or the opportunity to share the positive experiences at their institution, and we serve the broader free community.

We strive to inform residents of ongoing issues that affect them, to investigate and report issues relevant to both our inside and outside communities, to produce content internally for the betterment of our environment, and to partner with outside organizations to expand our reach.

THEEndeavor publishes 10 issues annually, printing and distributing them to as many of the 1,800+ residents at Everglades C.I. as possible. As a trusted news source, we are in a fortunate position to use our hard-earned trust with administration, officers, staff, and volunteers to focus on the reporting of truths within our incarcerated community and share those truths with the world.

Now available on this site, we invite you to take a glimpse inside our community. Inside, you’ll find plenty of reporting on the amazing and sometimes surprising events occurring behind the razor wire of a prison. You’ll read profiles on men who have earned high school diplomas or associate degrees, received grace and parole, or simply wrote and performed a spoken word piece at graduation. You’ll see hints of the humor and wit from a decade ago.

If you are interested in joining us for our 10th anniversary celebration on July 8th, please contact laurah@miamisoundspace.com. Regardless, please take a look at our journalistic endeavor and enjoy.

Warm Regards,

THEEndeavor Team

The Endeavor 2024 Issue 5
Laurah Merisier Laurah Merisier

The Endeavor 2024 Issue 5

This issue is packed with graduation and concert coverage. ECI welcomed Christian rapper ASAP Preach on May 11. The preliminary and semifinal round results of Corrections Got Talent are highlighted on page 7 (keep a watchful eye for the final round results in an upcoming issue). The Endeavor’s administrative team had a sit-down interview with Warden Hoskins who offered us an update on the compound and his vision. All this and much more is available for the read.

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The Endeavor 2024 Issue 4
Laurah Merisier Laurah Merisier

The Endeavor 2024 Issue 4

In this issue, THEEndeavor pays its respects to the late GEO Counselor, Ms. Rogers. We not only discuss her role during her time at Everglades Correctional Institution, but also the memorial service which was held in the chapel to honor her. Additionally, glance inside to see the various Women’s History events which took place here at Everglades. Finally, we turn our eyes to the Barber School’s style-off and familial bonds in our lives.

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The Endeavor 2024 Issue 3
Laurah Merisier Laurah Merisier

The Endeavor 2024 Issue 3

In this issue, THEEndeavor celebrates the return of Access packages. We also discuss how a visit from a former Buffalo Bills player impacted the residents of Everglades Correctional Institution. Lastly, take a look at our coverage of the institution’s first Victims Remembrance Run, annual chess tournament, and the introduction of the ATLO computer learning system.

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The Endeavor 2024 Issue 2
Laurah Merisier Laurah Merisier

The Endeavor 2024 Issue 2

In this issue, THEEndeavor highlights the bands here at Everglades Correctional Institution. Also, we turn our attention to the Education Department, looking at the new version of Compass and speaking with GED Academic Teacher, Ms. Orsini. Don’t forget to take a moment to read about our new Region IV Director, former Everglades Correctional Institution Warden, Jose Colon.

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The Endeavor 2024 Issue 1
Laurah Merisier Laurah Merisier

The Endeavor 2024 Issue 1

In this issue, THEEndeavor undergoes a slight redesign, offering readers a stronger, more readable publication. We celebrate the life of one of our fallen residents with a memorial softball game.

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The Endeavor 2023 Issue 10
Laurah Merisier Laurah Merisier

The Endeavor 2023 Issue 10

In this issue, THEEndeavor covers the second Mental Health seminar held at Everglades Correctional Institution as 2023 comes to a close. We look at the inaugural holiday card workshop for seniors and children, Victorious Living’s Kristi Overton Johnson paying a visit to the institution, and just how many calories residents receive in the dining hall on a weekly basis.

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The Endeavor 2023 Issue 7
Laurah Merisier Laurah Merisier

The Endeavor 2023 Issue 7

In this issue, THEEndeavor reflects on Hip-Hop’s 50th anniversary with snippets of lyrics selected by Everglades’ residents, staff, and visitors. Denise Rock of Florida Cares Charity discusses a proposed bill to end long term sentencing. We also look at the future of Artificial Intelligence and its use with the incarcerated population and how community is built, maintained, and strengthened in prison.

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The Endeavor 2023 Issue 6
Laurah Merisier Laurah Merisier

The Endeavor 2023 Issue 6

In this issue, THEEndeavor answers the question of how the publication goes from idea to published paper. We honor several civilian and resident workers making an impact around the institution, and we celebrate the graduation of Miami Dade College’s second cohort to earn Associate of Arts degrees.

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The Endeavor 2023 Issue 4
Laurah Merisier Laurah Merisier

The Endeavor 2023 Issue 4

In this issue, THEEndeavor looks into how residents can prepare for reentry into society. We discuss reentry with and without support, vocational offerings available at Everglades Correctional Institution, programs available for individuals eligible for parole, and reentry programs sponsored by the GEO Group and the Florida Department of Corrections. We also celebrate Second Chance month with a visit from Desmond Meade and representatives of The Vera Institute of Justice.

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The Endeavor 2023 Issue 3
Laurah Merisier Laurah Merisier

The Endeavor 2023 Issue 3

In this issue, THEEndeavor explores fatherhood and how it relates to every one of us. Residents at Everglades Correctional Institution reflect on what it’s like to father from prison, what it was like growing up without a dad, and how their dads influenced their lives.

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